International Summer School CIRCULAR ECONOMY AND ENERGY TRANSITION LEADERS on-line: 1 - 30 JUNE 2023; on-site 3 - 7 JULY 2023, Gliwice, Poland
Day-to-day functioning and further development of modern societies are dependent nowadays heavily on energy supplies. Global energy consumption is constantly growing and conventional finite primary energy sources are already approaching their natural limits. The increasing energy consumption and the continuous development of energy systems raise serious concerns about the state of the environment and the availability of resources. It has been commonly realized that the global energy system requires significant structural, technological, and organizational transformations. The concepts of sustainability and energy transition have been widely agreed upon. Consequently, a significant number of new ideas, approaches, and policy drivers emerged, which were largely enabled by recent developments in the field of technology. The number of possible decision variables, constraints, and degrees of freedom in the design process has been substantially increased. In addition, many new actors have become active in the field, including energy consumers which define new bottom-up approaches and ground-breaking initiatives. Energy systems are also significantly influenced by new economic concepts, such as circular economy, sharing economy, hydrogen economy, green economy, and Society 5.0. New ways of industrial production like ecodesign, lean manufacturing, recycling of materials and partially energy, reuse of products, green supply chain investment and coordination, improvement of energy efficiency, cogeneration, trigeneration, and poligeneration create new energy consumption and supply patterns as well as new links between energy systems and economy. The aim of the international summer school for undergraduate students is to deepen and update knowledge on recent developments in science and technology, which pave the way towards a low-carbon future. The project will also develop students' competences in the area of the Circular Economy and Energy Transition, including issues related to entrepreneurship and business models. The International Summer School at SUT is a fantastic opportunity to study in heart of Europe, experience the vibrant life of Silesia Region, discover Polish culture and history, as well as enhance your knowledge and academic skills. An integral part of the program is social & cultural events, which are a great chance for networking.